- Budget / Production (2)
- FREE BOOK Voice Over... (1)
- FREE Voice over... (1)
- FREE Voice over Book -... (1)
- Tips to Improve your... (1)
- U S Federal Govt... (2)
- How to Get a Great... (1)
- Copyright Rights (1)
- Disney Audition... (1)
- Writing Tips (3)
- Interviews (2)
- Professor Chris Palmer... (14)
- U.S. Department of... (1)
- general; common sense... (1)
- helpful links on music... (1)
- My Interview about... (1)
- Most States Defer to... (1)
- Use These Data... (1)
What Are Some Of The Goals
That You Want To Attain In 2010?
Do you want to run a more focused, smarter performing career?
Then, as a routine, schedule daily or weekly appointments for yourself to focus solely on the business-side of your career (just like you would acting classes, singing lessons or open mic performances).
Schedule a time in your PerformerTrack Calendar to research Casting Directors, create target lists of Industry professionals you want to meet and work with, and plan your next PR campaign.
Choose a day and specific block of time, then make this a recurring "Business of You" appointment. Let your PerformerTrack Calendar hold YOU accountable!
Do you want to escape the trend of putting your receipts in a big ole shoe box only to feel stressed when you have to get things together for taxes and for planning your budget?
Then consider utilizing PerformerTrack. Check out our "Expenses Area" with dropdown listings of tax-deductible expenses for performers, we’ve designed this section specifically for you!
Do you want to establish a presence on the Web?
Here’s a quick way to start. Buy your Domain Name (your First and Last Name.com) here for just $7.95 a year...

...and then direct that Domain Name to a place where your Photos, Bio, Resume, Sound and Media Clips reside online. Some of these sites let you store all of your information for FREE (i.e. - a YouTube Channel)!!!
Here are a few examples of Web sites of PerformerNation readers to inspire you:
Do you want to make a commitment to assemble your first reel or update an old one?
If you are working on Independent projects, then utilize the "Copy Provided Form"
that we've drafted FREE-of-charge for you!
Do you want to schedule time in your month to attend one or two networking events?
Networking events are a great way to meet people who may be in the position to hire or refer you for work or heck, even to meet others like yourself who you can exchange information with and collaborate on projects!
Click here for a great place to begin looking for FREE or low cost events!
REMEMBER! Bring your business cards and to follow-up with your connections within a few days of meeting them!