National Neighbors Silver, a program of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, has put out an RFP to do a documentary film about older adults and economic security.NCRC is seeking to hire a documentary film company to create a 30-60 minute documentary film for full and unlimited used by NCRC

Proposals to Provide Documentary Filming and Produ
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Joined: 15 year(s) ago
Posted 2:03 PM Nov. 27, 2012

Request for Proposals to Provide Documentary Filming and Production Services Background: As the United States suffers from historically high rates of foreclosure and unemployment, older adults across the nation are not only more numerous than past generations, but also more susceptible to financial insecurity.

Financial abuse and the economic downturn have left thousands of seniors struggling to make ends meet, unable to pay their basic expenses. Elderly Americans are seeing their savings depleted, their healthcare expenses rise, changes to Social Security – and many don’t know who to trust with their money.

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) with support from Atlantic Philanthropies is pleased to issue this Request for Proposals (RFP) in our initiative to support and empower older adults nationwide. National Neighbors Silver brings community, public, and private sector partners together utilizing structured, neighborhood-focused outreach, education, and advocacy to benefit older adults.

For more information on the challenges faced by older adults, download NCRC’s issue brief, “Challenges to the Economic Security of Older Americans.” Purpose:NCRC is seeking to hire a documentary film company to create a 30-60 minute documentary film for full and unlimited used by NCRC.

This documentary film that can be used to engage a broad segment of stakeholders in the economic challenges facing older adults. NCRC believes that film and other forms of storytelling have a powerful ability to influence and empower audiences.

We seek to make a compelling documentary that makes a powerful case that an increased number of older adults are economically vulnerable and targets of financial abuse, and that all Americans share an interest in making sure that today’s seniors and future generations have viable ways to preserve their wealth, save money and ensure their economic security as they age.

We hope that audiences of this film will feel moved to do something about this problem, and will take away the belief that organizing, advocacy, and responsible financial products can improve the financial well-being of older adults. Scope of Services NCRC seeks a “for hire” or shared ownership arrangement with a filmmaker to provide the following services:

  • Filming, production and editing for a 30-60 minute length film capturing footage from 2-4 geographic locations around the United States;
  • Provision of a trailer by April 15, 2013, and a final film by June 30, 2013.
  • Option to work with NCRC on distribution of the film, and additional expansion of the footage, pending funding availability

Proposal RequirementsNCRC requests that applicants submit a proposal outlining the following:

  • Experience in the field of documentary filmmaking and any experience in social justice issues (a plus);
  • Capacity to deliver a broadcast-quality product, with preference for a track record of so doing;
  • Examples of previous work (online links preferred);
  • Creative vision for the documentary;
  • Fee structure;
  • A short bio of each of the key production personnel.

$50,000 to $60,000 Deadline: All proposals must be received no later than December 7, 2012 at 5pm Eastern Standard Time.

The film must be completed by June 30, 2013.

Questions & Submissions:Questions and final submissions should be directed to Bob Zdenek, Director of the National Neighbors Silver Program, at or Jesse Van Tol, Director of Membership & Organizing, at

For more information about the National Neighbors Silver program visit:

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Joined: 12 year(s) ago
Posted 12:04 PM Nov. 30, 2012
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