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How do I get my Perfect headshot? PART 1
Total posts: 245
Joined: 15 year(s) ago
Posted 2:14 PM Jun. 13, 2012

How do I get my Perfect headshot?

Before I get to the Perfect headshot, I want to talk a bit about headshots.

Your Headshot and Resume are the most important marketing tools
you will ever have. Almost every audition/job you will get started with someone 1st looking at your Headshot and Resume and deciding that you are someone they want to know more about.

If you are just starting out, looking to start out with Extra work - anyone can take your 1st Photo - you simply need a good clean, clear photo of your face - just like you look every day. As you decide that this is something you want to do - long term (you need to work on 6-10 different sets before you are sure) Then invest some of the money you earned on Professional Headshots.

Remember also that because all of your Potential Employers want to see the person that applied and was selected to audition/ work - That Person must show up. Same age, same weight, same hair length, same hair color, similar hairstyle - THE SAME PERSON.

This means YOU DO NOT hire a Hairstylist/Makeup Person for your headshot Photo Shoot and have them make you look different than you can make yourself look in a ½ hour so you can get to an Audition or on Set looking like the headshot that applied.

I’m going to repeat this because I know most of you did not read what I wrote. I DID NOT SAY do not hire a Hairstylist/Makeup Person, I SAID do not have them make you look different than you can make yourself look in a ½ hour.

You note that every day more Employers are requiring snapshots or cell phone photo’s along with the headshots - this is solely because of the number of ACTORS THAT HAVE LIED ABOUT THEIR LOOKS. 1 person applying by headshot and a different person showed up at the audition or job.

Remember also - I’m talking about an ACTOR'S Headshot Not a Models Comp Card where the rules and Expectations are completely different.

That said you should know that there are 2 main types of actor headshots

1) The Commercial headshot The warm and Friendly smiling face used to get Agency’s Interested in you, TV Commercials, PSA’S, Industrials and Print work.

2) The Theatrical headshot (legit actor headshot) is Used for Theatre, Film and TV Dramas

A headshot is a Photo of your face, Exactly as you look every day.
It is 8 x 10 in size and must have your entire face in it . Telling a potential Employer “HEY I’M A FATHEAD, MY ENTIRE FACE WILL NOT
FIT ON 1 8 X 10 PHOTO” is not the impression you want to make.

You are paying for the entire 8 X 10 Photo - Use it. There should not be more than ½ inch of space on the left, right or above your face in your headshot. I Have seen 5 X 7 Photos on 8 X 10 paper (2 inches of wasted space on the left, right and above the face) used as Headshots.

Those casting need to see your face , Clearly - nothing belongs in the headshot to distract or obscure the view of your entire face (including your hair) - No Backdrops, no hats, no props - Just you from the top of your hair to your shoulders. Nothing blocks your face in the shot like your hands.
There is a 2nd shot acceptable instead of a Headshot - a ¾ shot. The ¾ Shot is taken from your waist to the top of your hair. It gives Casting a better idea of your total look (body size/type) but your face still needs to be easily seen and your personality must shine through.

¾ Shots are a little more open to backgrounds, props, Uniforms, formal, Business, Business Casual, Casual, Athletic, and Swim Wear but while they can provide Great looks for certain Castings - they are limited in value for other castings.

REMEMBER today the 1st decision to include or exclude you from the audition pile is often done by an Intern, not the fully trained Casting Professional that looks over the Include for Audition Pile.

While I have no doubt that fully trained Casting Professional can envision you in any role they want, locally less than half of all castings
use them. We have a tremendous student film, Indie Film market and
there are more Production Companies/Photographers hiring Actors/Models direct every day. My highest paying 3 projects (A TV Commercial, an Industrial and a Print job) were all as a Direct hire without an Agent or Casting Director.

The ¾ shot of you in the formal wear or police uniform (I Have Both and about 20 more) are GREAT when casting is looking for Formal Wear or Policeman but of limited use for other roles when an Intern or Non-Professional is the “First Look” during Casting.

Typically I use my standard Headshot and IF needed (and the posting does not say “1 Headshot only”) I also send the ¾ shot in the role they are casting. Because so many Actors routinely send 4, 5, 6 Photo’s now some Employers are now saying “1 Headshot only”.

For those of you that have not seen my Standard Headshot click on this link
http://www.bdragonuk.com/HeadShot___Resume.html There are actually 11 Photo’s on my headshot. While it does make the main shot a little smaller the high Quality of the Main photo (Joe Henson - Properly lit,
clear, clean Headshot) still provides Casting what they need to call me in for the audition or to give me the job.

I Do not recommend that everyone do this but, it works for me. I have gotten quite a few jobs in the last 12 years that my age and size would normally exclude me from getting.

Most of you, the 1 photo headshot or adding maybe 1 or 2 Thumbnails
in the bottom corners would be appropriate and the “OVERKILL” I use
would be distracting - weigh your options - think things through.

Most reprint shops charge $10 - $25 per photo to add additional thumbnails to the headshot so I had a someone here create an 8 X 10
Photo file with all 11 Photos - My headshots were printed at regular price.

In part 2 I will cover the steps to your perfect Photoshoot
Look at the following information

How to Get a Great Headshot – Joe Henson

How to Get the Best Kid Headshots Ever! Bonnie Johnson Photography

What to Wear Bonnie Johnson Photography

The Importance of Choosing the Right Promo Picture Sean Pratt

Total posts: 8
Joined: 14 year(s) ago
Posted 8:27 AM Jun. 14, 2012
Hey Brian,
You are always on point!
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