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PT 13Pub 970 (2009), Tax Benefits for Education
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PT 13 Pub 970 (2009), Tax Benefits for Education



529 program (see Qualified tuition program (QTP))


Academic period:
American opportunity credit, Academic period.
Hope credit, Academic period.
Lifetime learning credit, Academic period.
Student loan interest deduction, Academic period.
Tuition and fees deduction, Academic period.
Accountable plans, Accountable Plans, Allocating your reimbursements for meals.
Additional tax:
Coverdell ESA:
On excess contributions, Additional Tax on Excess Contributions, Figuring and reporting the additional tax.
On taxable distributions, Additional Tax on Taxable Distributions
IRA distributions, education exception, Education Exception to Additional Tax on Early IRA Distributions
Qualified tuition program (QTP), on taxable distributions, Additional Tax on Taxable Distributions
Adjusted qualified education expenses (see Qualified education expenses)
American opportunity credit
Coordination with Coverdell ESA distributions, Figuring the Taxable Portion of a Distribution
Coordination with qualified tuition program (QTP) distributions, Coordination With American Opportunity, Hope, and Lifetime Learning Credits
American opportunity credit:
Adjustments to qualified education expenses, Adjustments to Qualified Education Expenses
Claiming dependent's expenses, Who Can Claim a Dependent's Expenses, Tuition reduction.
Claiming dependent's expenses:
Tuition reduction, Tuition reduction.
Claiming the credit, Can You Claim the Credit, Who Cannot Claim the Credit, Claiming the Credit
Claiming the credit:
Qualifying to claim (Figure 2-1),
Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
Eligible student, Who Is an Eligible Student
Eligible student:
Requirements (Figure 2-2),
Expenses qualifying for, What Expenses Qualify, Example 2.
Figuring the credit, Figuring the Credit
Income level, effect on amount of credit, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Credit, Phaseout.
Income limits, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Credit, Phaseout.
Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI):
Worksheet 2-1, Claiming the Credit
Overview of American opportunity credit (Table 2-1):, Introduction
Phaseout, Phaseout.
Qualified education expenses, Qualified Education Expenses
Refunds, Refunds.
Repayment of credit, When Must the Credit Be Repaid (Recaptured)
Tax benefit of, What is the tax benefit of the American opportunity credit.
Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship and Financial Assistance Program, Exceptions.
Assistance (see Tax help)
Athletic scholarships, Athletic Scholarships


Bar review course, Bar or CPA Review Course
Bonds, education savings (see Education savings bond program)
Business deduction for work-related education, Business Deduction for Work-Related Education, Illustrated Example
Business deduction for work-related education:
Accountable plans, Accountable Plans, Allocating your reimbursements for meals.
Adjustments to qualifying work-related education expenses, Adjustments to Qualifying Work-Related Education Expenses
Allocating meal reimbursements, Allocating your reimbursements for meals.
Deductible education expenses, What Expenses Can Be Deducted, Adjustments to Qualifying Work-Related Education Expenses
Deducting business expenses, Deducting Business Expenses, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Double benefit not allowed, No Double Benefit Allowed
Education required by employer or by law, Education Required by Employer or by Law
Education to maintain or improve skills, Education To Maintain or Improve Skills
Education to meet minimum requirements, Education To Meet Minimum Requirements, Certification in a new state.
Education to qualify for new trade or business, Education That Qualifies You for a New Trade or Business, Teaching and Related Duties
Excess expenses, accountable plan, Excess expenses., Allocating your reimbursements for meals.
Indefinite absence, Education during indefinite absence.
Maintaining skills vs. qualifying for new job, Maintaining skills vs. qualifying for new job.
Nonaccountable plans, Nonaccountable Plans
Nondeductible expenses, Nondeductible expenses.
Qualified education expenses, What Expenses Can Be Deducted, Adjustments to Qualifying Work-Related Education Expenses
Recordkeeping requirements, Recordkeeping, Examples of records to keep.
Reimbursements, treatment of, How To Treat Reimbursements, Reimbursements for nondeductible expenses.
Tax benefit of, What is the tax benefit of taking a business deduction for work-related education.
Tax-free educational assistance, Tax-free educational assistance.
Teachers, Requirements for Teachers, Teaching and Related Duties
Temporary absence to acquire education, Education during temporary absence.
Transportation expenses, Transportation Expenses, Using your car.
Travel expenses, Travel Expenses


Cancellation of student loan (see Student loan cancellation)
Candidate for a degree:
Scholarships and fellowships, Candidate for a degree.
Change of designated beneficiary:
Coverdell ESA, Changing the Designated Beneficiary
Qualified tuition program, Changing the Designated Beneficiary
Collapsed loans, Interest on refinanced student loans.
Comments on publication, Comments and suggestions.
Comprehensive or bundled fees:
American opportunity credit, Comprehensive or bundled fees.
Hope credit, Comprehensive or bundled fees.
Lifetime learning credit, Comprehensive or bundled fees.
Tuition and fees deduction, Comprehensive or bundled fees.
Consolidated loans used to refinance student loans, Interest on refinanced student loans.
Conventions outside U.S., Cruises and conventions.
Coverdell education savings account (ESA), Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA), Worksheet 8-3.Coverdell ESA—Taxable Distributions and Basis
Coordination with American opportunity, Hope, and lifetime learning credits, Coordination With American Opportunity, Hope, and Lifetime Learning Credits
Coverdell education savings account (ESA):, Figuring the Taxable Portion of a Distribution, Coordination With American Opportunity, Hope, and Lifetime Learning Credits
Additional tax:
On excess contributions, Additional Tax on Excess Contributions, Figuring and reporting the additional tax.
On taxable distributions, Additional Tax on Taxable Distributions
Assets to be distributed at age 30 or death of beneficiary, When Assets Must Be Distributed
Contribution limits, Contribution Limits, Figuring the limit.
Contribution limits:
Figuring the limit (Worksheet 8-2), Figuring the limit.
Contributions to, Contributions, Figuring and reporting the additional tax.
Contributions to:
Table 8-2, Contributions
Coordination with qualified tuition program (QTP), Coordination With Qualified Tuition Program (QTP) Distributions
Defined, What Is a Coverdell ESA
Distributions, Distributions, How To Figure the Taxable Earnings
Overview (Table 8-3), Distributions
Divorce, transfer due to, Transfer Because of Divorce
Eligible educational institution, Eligible Educational Institution
Figuring taxable portion of distribution, Figuring the Taxable Portion of a Distribution
Figuring taxable portion of distribution:
Worksheet 8-3, Worksheet 8-3.Coverdell ESA—Taxable Distributions and Basis
Figuring the taxable earnings in required distribution, How To Figure the Taxable Earnings
Losses, Losses on Coverdell ESA Investments
Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)., MAGI when using Form 1040NR-EZ.
Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI):
Worksheet 8-1,
Overview (Table 8-1), Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA)
Qualified education expenses, Qualified Education Expenses, Qualified Elementary and Secondary Education Expenses
Rollovers, Rollovers
Tax benefit of, What is the tax benefit of the Coverdell ESA.
Tax-free distributions, Tax-Free Distributions
Taxable distributions, Taxable Distributions, Figuring the additional tax.
Taxable distributions:
Worksheet 8-3 to figure, Worksheet 8-3.Coverdell ESA—Taxable Distributions and Basis
Transfers, Rollovers
CPA review course, Bar or CPA Review Course
Hope (see Hope credit)
Lifetime learning (see Lifetime learning credit)
American opportunity (see American opportunity credit)
Cruises, educational, Cruises and conventions.


Deductions (see Business deduction for work-related education)
Designated beneficiary:
Coverdell ESA, What Is a Coverdell ESA, Changing the Designated Beneficiary
Qualified tuition program (QTP), Designated beneficiary., Changing the Designated Beneficiary
Disabilities, persons with:
Impairment-related work expenses, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Distributions (see specific benefit )
Coverdell ESA transfer due to, Transfer Because of Divorce
Expenses paid under decree:
American opportunity credit, Expenses paid by dependent.
Hope credit, Expenses paid by dependent.
Lifetime learning credit, Expenses paid by dependent.
Tuition and fees deduction, Expenses paid under divorce decree.
Double benefit not allowed:
American opportunity credit, No Double Benefit Allowed
Hope credit, No Double Benefit Allowed
Lifetime learning credit, No Double Benefit Allowed
Student loan interest deduction, No Double Benefit Allowed
Tuition and fees deduction, No Double Benefit Allowed
Work-related education, No Double Benefit Allowed


Early distributions from IRAs, Education Exception to Additional Tax on Early IRA Distributions, Reporting Early Distributions
Early distributions from IRAs:
Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
Figuring amount not subject to 10% tax, Figuring the Amount Not Subject to the 10% Tax
Qualified education expenses, Qualified education expenses.
Reporting, Reporting Early Distributions
Education IRA (see Coverdell education savings account (ESA))
Education loans (see Student loan interest deduction)
Education savings account (see Coverdell education savings account (ESA))
Education savings bond program, Education Savings Bond Program,
Education savings bond program:
Cashing in bonds tax free, Who Can Cash In Bonds Tax Free, MAGI when using Form 1040.
Claiming dependent's exemption, Dependent for whom you claim an exemption.
Claiming exclusion, Claiming the Exclusion
Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
Figuring tax-free amount, Figuring the Tax-Free Amount
Income level, effect on amount of exclusion, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Exclusion
Income limits for exclusion reduction, What's New
Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)., MAGI when using Form 1040.
Phaseout, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Exclusion
Qualified education expenses, Qualified education expenses.
Educational assistance, employer-provided (see Employer-provided educational assistance)
Eligible educational institution:
American opportunity credit, Eligible educational institution.
Cancellation of student loan, Eligible educational institution.
Coverdell ESA, Eligible Educational Institution
Early distributions from IRAs, Eligible educational institution.
Education savings bond program, Eligible educational institution.
Hope credit, Eligible educational institution.
Lifetime learning credit, Eligible educational institution.
Qualified tuition program (QTP), Eligible educational institution.
Qualified tuition reduction, Qualified Tuition Reduction
Scholarships and fellowships, Eligible educational institution., Eligible educational institution.
Student loan cancellation, Eligible educational institution.
Student loan interest deduction, Eligible educational institution.
Tuition and fees deduction, Eligible educational institution.
Eligible elementary or secondary school:
Coverdell ESA, Eligible elementary or secondary school.
Eligible student:
American opportunity credit, Who Is an Eligible Student
Hope credit, Who Is an Eligible Student
Lifetime learning credit, Who Is an Eligible Student
Student loan interest deduction, Eligible student.
Tuition and fees deduction, Who Is an Eligible Student
Deducting work-related education expenses, Employees
Employer-provided educational assistance, Employer-Provided Educational Assistance, Working condition fringe benefit.
ESAs (see Coverdell education savings account (ESA))
Estimated tax, Reminders
Excess contributions:
Coverdell ESA, Additional Tax on Excess Contributions, Figuring and reporting the additional tax.
Excess expenses, accountable plan, Excess expenses., Allocating your reimbursements for meals.
Expenses (see specific benefit )


Family members, beneficiary:
Coverdell ESA, Members of the beneficiary's family.
Qualified tuition program (QTP), Members of the beneficiary's family.
Fee-basis officials, work-related education deduction, Performing Artists and Fee-Basis Officials
Fellowships (see Scholarships and fellowships)
Figures (see Tables and figures)
Financial aid (see Scholarships and fellowships)
Form 1098-E:
Student loan interest deduction, Loan origination fee., Form 1098-E.
Form 1098-T:
American opportunity credit, Form 1098-T.
Hope credit, Form 1098-T., Illustrated Example
Lifetime learning credit, Form 1098-T.
Tuition and fees deduction, Form 1098-T.
Form 1099-Q:
Coverdell ESA, Exceptions., Earnings and basis.
Qualified tuition program (QTP), Earnings and return of investment.
Form 1099-R:
Early distributions from IRAs, Reporting Early Distributions
Form 2106, 50% limit on meals., Form 2106 or 2106-EZ.
Form 2106-EZ, 50% limit on meals., Form 2106 or 2106-EZ., Using Form 2106-EZ.
Form 2106-EZ:
Filled-in example,
Form 5329:
Coverdell ESA, Figuring the additional tax.
Early distributions from IRAs, Reporting Early Distributions
Qualified tuition program (QTP), Figuring the additional tax.
Form 8815, MAGI when using Form 1040., Claiming the Exclusion
Form 8815:
Filled-in example,
Form 8863:
American opportunity credit,
Filled-in examples, , , ,
Hope credit,
Lifetime learning credit,
Form 8917:
Filled-in examples,
Form W-9S, Form 1098-T., Form 1098-T., Form 1098-T., Form 1098-E., Form 1098-T.
Free tax services, How To Get Tax Help
Fulbright grants, Fulbright Grants


Half-time student:
American opportunity credit, Enrolled at least half-time.
Coverdell ESA, Half-time student.
Early distributions from IRAs, Half-time student.
Hope credit, Enrolled at least half-time.
Student loan interest deduction, Enrolled at least half-time.
Help (see Tax help)
Hope credit, What's New, Illustrated Example
Hope credit:
Academic period, Academic period.
Adjustments to qualified education expenses, Adjustments to Qualified Education Expenses
Claiming dependent's expenses, Who Can Claim a Dependent's Expenses, Tuition reduction.
Claiming dependent's expenses:
Tuition reduction, Tuition reduction.
Claiming the credit, Who Cannot Claim the Credit, Claiming the Credit
Claiming the credit:
Qualifying to claim (Figure 3-1),
Coordination with Coverdell ESA distributions, Figuring the Taxable Portion of a Distribution, Coordination With American Opportunity, Hope, and Lifetime Learning Credits
Coordination with qualified tuition program (QTP) distributions, Coordination With American Opportunity, Hope, and Lifetime Learning Credits
Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
Eligible student, Who Is an Eligible Student
Eligible student:
Requirements (Figure 3-2),
Expenses qualifying for, What Expenses Qualify
Figuring the credit, Figuring the Credit, Phaseout.
Income level, effect on amount of credit, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Credit, Phaseout.
Income limits, What's New, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Credit
Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI):
Worksheet 3-1,
Overview of the Hope credit:
Overview (Table 3-1),
Phaseout, Phaseout.
Qualified education expenses, Qualified Education Expenses
Refunds, Refunds.
Repayment of credit, When Must the Credit Be Repaid (Recaptured)
Tax benefit of, What is the tax benefit of the Hope credit.


Illustrated example of education credits (Appendix A), Appendix A. Illustrated Example of Education Credits,
Impairment-related work expenses:
Work-related education deduction, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA)
Early distributions (see Early distributions from IRAs)


Lifetime learning credit, What's New, Illustrated Example
Lifetime learning credit:, Differences between the American opportunity, Hope, and lifetime learning credits.
Academic period, Academic period.
Adjustments to qualified education expenses, Adjustments to Qualified Education Expenses
Claiming dependent's expenses, Who Can Claim a Dependent's Expenses
Claiming dependent's expenses:
Tuition reduction, Tuition reduction.
Claiming the credit, Can You Claim the Credit, Who Cannot Claim the Credit, Claiming the Credit
Claiming the credit:
Qualifying to claim (Figure 4-1),
Coordination with Coverdell ESA distributions, Figuring the Taxable Portion of a Distribution, Coordination With American Opportunity, Hope, and Lifetime Learning Credits
Coordination with qualified tuition program (QTP) distributions, Coordination With American Opportunity, Hope, and Lifetime Learning Credits
Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
Eligible student, Who Is an Eligible Student
Expenses qualifying for, What Expenses Qualify, Amounts that do not reduce qualified education expenses.
Figuring the credit, Figuring the Credit, Illustrated Example
Income level, effect on amount of credit,