For all the new actors that have joined this site, let me be the first to tell you you're in a fantastic place. Everything is here on this site for your career as an actor. I was not asked by Brian or Jay to tell my story they have both watched my career grow from ground zero doing background to doing speaking/principal roles now. Quite frankly I'm a little shocked myself but you have to want this craft like life it has to be a passion not just a job or a paycheck. With that being said I booked several speaking job supporting roles and my latest this movie called The Pumpkin Trail shot east of Washington DC in the woods. Brian dragonuk and his counterpart Jay Chaplin and are wonderful people who help others out even by direct contact if they have always been very supportive of me in every way I wish I joined this site years ago.Explore,search the job section constantly. Alot of actors complain they never get booked but they never apply for work constantly on a seven-day basis.Trailers below, principal speaking role.