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The Importance of Choosing the Right Promo Picture
[User Deleted]
Posted 2:24 PM Aug. 1, 2010

The Importance of Choosing the Right Promo Picture by Sean Pratt

What “anchoring” is and why it’s so important to your marketing efforts.
From the worlds of psychology and sociology comes an interesting and valuable concept that you can use in your branding efforts, from how you’re seen in a particular market to how you’re thought of for a single role in an upcoming project. What makes this idea so powerful is that it actually works on an unconscious level which meansif you use it correctly you can affect someone’s perception of you without them realizing it. It’s called “anchoring.”
Sean Pratt, (AEA / SAG / AFTRA), has been a working actor for over 20 years. Sean was a member of the resident acting company at The Pearl Theatre, an Off-Broadway classical repertory theatre and has also performed at numerous regional theatres around the country. Major films include - Gods and Generals, Tuck Everlasting and Iron Jawed Angels. Television work includes - The host of HGTV’s, Old Homes Restored, and supporting roles on Homicide, The District and America’s Most Wanted. Audiobooks – He’s narrated for 15 years and has recorded nearly 550 books in just about every genre. He also teaches classes on and writes articles about the business of the Biz.
Total posts: 38
Joined: 14 year(s) ago
Posted 11:03 AM Oct. 2, 2010
The point of the Suite 101 article is to know your niche and make sure your promotional photos convey it. Ask, who am I on screen? For what roles is my physical self - height, weight, face, tone of voice - best suited? Am I the girl next door? Hero's best friend? Rugged individualist? Stern authority figure? Whoever you are your promotional photos should convey that.

The other thing is that the photos must convey something compelling in the eyes - wit, intelligence, mystery, something that draws the viewer in.
[User Deleted]
Posted 6:01 PM Oct. 2, 2010
Absolutely! When you're working be sure to bring along your camera and take loads of pictures of you in costume. You'll only end up using one or two but this way you'll have many to choose from. - SP