New FREE Networking Group in New York City!!
Posted 1:52 AM Aug. 9, 2011
Hey everyone, I know this is a long way for most of you to travel, but if you were looking for a FREE networking event in New York City for people in the Entertainment Industry, look no further. While in Baltimore, I started hosting networking events every month. I've since moved to NY and have continued these events in order to bring together the different players in the Entertainment Industry to share information and hopefully help each other out. To this end, I started the New York Entertainment Group (NYEG). Here's our facebook group page (Go there and 'Like' us please). This event is held on the 4th Tuesday of each month, so if you can't make the next meeting, you can always come up for the one after. Our next meeting is going to be held on Tuesday, August 23rd from 8:30pm - 12am at a place called Hurleys. The address is 232 W48th St., New York, NY. It is located right in the heart of Manhattan, near Times Square. This event is 100% FREE for actors, producers, directors, writers, casting directors, agents, managers, crew and everyone else in the Entertainment Industry. There will be a cash bar at your disposal. Here is a link to the facebook event notice. This is a great opportunity for you to come to NY and meet A LOT of different players in our industry. If you are thinking of moving up here to pursue your acting career, you can get a wealth of information from your other actors. We had more than 75 attendees at our last meeting, which was our second. We are getting more people each month, so this month, we'll probably have well over 100 as word spreads about our FREE networking event. Email me with any questions: Checkout our website for updates on future events: Hope you can make it, Ron Bush