Here is some sage Advice From someone that learned the hard way.I Can't tell you how often people contact me asking me to look thru THOUSANDS of e-mails because they worked a job 3, 4, 5, 6 Months ago and have not been paid and did not know who or how to contact anyone. Yes, I’m suppose to spend hours of My time looking thru THOUSANDS of e-mails Because someone Else was too Lazy to keep good Records and Not PROFESSIONAL Enough to Properly Invoice a Job they worked on.
This is one situation I had not thought about but I keep the Records to avoid this problem (I Hope).
I am a Professional Actor – It’s My Career -I Invoice EVERY JOB (even if I never send the Invoice - Just keep the Computer File). I attach ALL e-mails to the Invoice computer File. I Have ALL THE INFO I GET ON THE INVOICE (Client, Production Company, Advertising Agency If I can get it) – All part of an Invoice that may never get sent – Just saved in my Computer files.
Here is the Original Message
I was with Gilla Roos, and as many people know, they went belly up, and they were one of the largest commercial casting agencies in the country. Fortunately they didn't owe me any money when they went belly up, and I was lucky. But now I am scrounging around in old papers trying to find the sheet that has the name of the production company for a print ad I did for Microsoft like 2 or 3 years ago because they keep renewing the ad. I was paid last renewal because Gilla Roos existed at that time, but now, if I can't find the paper that has the production company name on it, they might not be able to find me to pay me for a renewal.
So the moral of the story? Keep all of that information in a safe place in your computer and in a paper file. Scan a copy of the form you have signed on the set and keep a copy of the paper that gives you the name of the production never know when you will need it.