In terms of your advertising and promotions,
here are some marketing tips for creating your promotional copy, subject lines, pricing, and registration:

The question is…
What separates you from the pack?
Why would someone choose you and your product(s), over all the other similar type products in the market?

Well the answer is: basically, something intriguing, something that will get our members to open the email,
read the email, and then take action.
-Could be the pricing or a special discount
-Could be something unique that you offer.
-Could be a deadline for registering.
-Could be something unique about the company or teacher's history.
-Could be a special bonus that they receive with the product or when registering
-Could be something free. Please note that the word, "Free" can be a very motivating word if you can find a way to use it.
-Could be that you offer a solution that will solve a major problem in their lives
-Could be testimonials from current or past buyers that proves your expertise
-Could be a video about you or by you, that gets them to know you better, and also shows your expertise
-Or a combination of many of the above

A Major Marketing Tip:
Now marketers seem to agree, that one of the most important tips above...
is the DEADLINE!
At a recent marketing conference that I filmed, one of my favorite marketing gurus, by the name of Dave Dee stated,
"If you don't have a deadline, you don't have an offer!"
And I believe you should take this advice to heart.
Obviously, a deadline to buy or register, will keep people from procrastination, which is one of the biggest reasons for marketing failure.

Subject lines:
-All of the above tips go for your subject lines as well. Saying "Classes start soon", or “Headshot session coming soon” is okay, but saying "Special pricing deadline on (your product) ends soon" is much more intriguing, to get your email opened. OR “This class is known for getting actors more jobs!".
-Remember, you do not need to tell them everything in a subject line.
The main goal of the subject line, is simply to get the email opened.

Regarding your pricing:

-Do not have your price in round numbers.
-So a class that is $300, should be marketed at $297 (for example).
Yes, purely psychological, but this has been proven to change the amount of success dramatically.
-If there is a discount, or special price, make sure it is known. Show the regular price with a crossout.

Getting them to Register:
Once you decide your sales copy and subject line, my final tip is:
-Make it easy for people to immediately register.
-The easiest and most widely used way to register, is online registration with only one click.
-If you don't have the ability to have buyers register or pay online, I would urge you to get that ability in the near future.
Like with PayPal or Eventbrite -

1) So the email or ad, or banner should have a link.
2) The link should go directly to a page with all the info needed to make a quick decision
3) And that same page should have a button to register or buy

The point is, don't make them work to register, or their attention span will take them elsewhere.

So the steps to a successful promotion are:
1) Intriguing subject line to get them to open the email
2) Intriguing sales copy in the email that sets your product above the rest, and gets them to know, like and trust you
3) Multiple and diverse types of advertising to build a relationship
4) A button to click that takes them to a landing page made especially for your promotion
5) A button to click to easily register

And finally, here is a link to our latest advertising special deals, that you won't find on our regular advertising page.

Click Here for our latest Special Deals for Advertising with us!

Let me know if you have any questions


Jay Chapin
Administrator / IT